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3d Printing and remixing/LIY youtube video

I was concerned about price of printing, I admit. I know we could do it for free through Penn State, or at a low price. I was thankful that our professor was able to get this done quickly and no cost. (Thank you!) I did find out that my local library has a 3D printer (yeah, Altoona!) and we can do this for under $5! This is exciting because even if a school didn't have access to a 3D printer, we can find one easily at the library. I'll be making more 3D prints over the break.

I did a LIY of my presentation for downloading thingivere to tinkercad. I didn't add music but kept it simple and it downloaded to youtube much faster than I expected. This was a plus!

A part of me wants to try 3D printing on my own and learning how to crush up plastic as I saw on Claire's VND (fellow student/visual network diagram about salvaging plastic from the ocean and making new items from it). This is ingenious! My only concern is air pollution and if this is done in a way that won't pollute, I'd be for it. I'll have to research this as well. I find it very reassuring that people are reusing and upcycling items that would normally be thrown away. It makes me feel better about plastic, which has given me anxiety about using. It's a similar feeling one has with extra clothing and fabric (after awhile you have clothing that could be thrown out but feels so wrong to do this. Often I try to donate or cut up and make into other things to repupose or upcycle as well).

This last project really brought upcycling and reuse in a way I hadn't thought about as well as giving us perspectives that are ecologically grounded as teachers. I really appreciated this and hope to use this in teaching others.

Below are a few links I'm adding for self reference and just because they are interesting to see how people reuse items to create machines, plastic reuse, etc.

This is from precious plastic

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