Etch a sketch
We were given a challenge to make an etch a sketch from wood/string, nails and a hammer. It was a challenge but we looked at make magazine for how to's and we found this tutorial. It starts to show the how to about 1:26 into the video...super fast. So, my partner and I played the video over about a dozen times, got the idea got it going.
This took about 30 min to make and had a great feeling of accomplishment. Last week, we made motorized drawing devices based on something like this However, ours were definitely not as cute. haha I forgot to take photos as I was drawing a mental blank on how to get things moving. I will draw a sketch and share what my group came up with (see below). This is a new experience for me...instead of breaking electronics, I'm making things/learning about how to make/use them. It's a lot of fun, interesting and makes me want to try this with my art.